as the world
Wednesday, March 16, 1994
Entry by Ray Weston

"Good morning. Stars shine. Just another beautiful sunny morning in my new kingdom. My head is still a little stuffy. We went out for sushi last night, that was quite an experience. It's definitely an acquired taste. Wasn't bad but I don't think I'll do it again. We got to the studio, did the coffee thing, then Glenn presented to us his list of things he's heard so far. Nothing major, just tempo things.

Never The Same, Take 1: Kind of uninspired, sucked, and all that.

Never The Same, Take 2: Temporary stoppages.

Never The Same, Take 3: Could be the one. It was the one.

Ok, now we go back and pick apart the songs in question. There's a little bit of tension but oh well. The songs in question are Uncle, How Long, Wormwood and Audio Verite.

1. Wormwood: We did Wormwood 2 and a half times and out of these 2 choices we'll have a keeper.

2. How Long: We played another 3 times. Each time was played to perfection but Glenn still thinks the tempo is an issue. #4 wasn't, no it wasn't. #5 wasn't.

3. Uncle: Alot of down time in between one take is all we might need, although Mark, our assistant, was upset that I didn't say "fuck" in this take.

4. Audio Verite: One fucking take.

A beautiful day in the office. I can't wait to do my parts. I feel much better now too. My cold is almost over and done with."

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